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Writer's picture Winneth Dube Oly


We all eat, but are the foods you’re eating nourishing you?

There is a difference between “nourishing” and “eating.” Eating includes any old thing you

shove down your pie hole. Whether it’s a stalk of celery or a bag of cotton candy, if you

swallowed it, you ate it. But nourishing is a whole different concept. Nourishing yourself is a

commitment to loving yourself through what you consume.

The dictionary defines the word nourish this way: provide with the food or other substances

necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

You’ll feel more energetic.

Clean eating helps regulate your blood sugar so you don’t get

energy zapping sugar spikes throughout the day plus your body gets access to energizing

nutrients like B-complex vitamins and iron that help your cells access fuel.

You’ll improve your cardiovascular health.

Fruits ands vegetables pack a whopping serving

of vitamin C which helps strengthen blood vessels and lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

You’ll help prevent cancer.

Processed foods and sugar feed cancer. When you eat clean, you’ll be getting more plant nutrients and antioxidants in your diet and they both fight cancer growth. It’s proven that cruciferous veggies from the cabbage family like kale and broccoli are cancer fighters too.

You’ll sleep better.

Researchers have tied good-for-you foods like dark leafy greens, whole

grains and fish to better snooze time. People who eat better, sleep better.

You’ll improve your mental health.

An increased intake in B-vitamins will boost your dopamine production and have you feeling happy. And foods like salmon, fish, walnuts, chia seeds, spinach, and soybeans provide a healthy dose of Omega 3s that combat moodiness and depression.

You know that losing weight starts in the kitchen. Healthy whole foods pack more nutrition in

smaller portions than processed foods. They keep your blood sugar on an even keel so you

74 aren’t fighting appetite and energy swings and they help you overcome food addictions that have you constantly craving and overeating.

Eating clean helps you eat fewer calories that are higher quality and fuel your body better.

And because it’s not a “diet,” you can lose the weight and maintain the loss indefinitely while

Elisa's journey , you can map yours too. just remember you are unique special person . Find your own way .

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