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Writer's picture Winneth Dube Oly


We all remember when Weight Watchers announced "Oprah Winfrey and Weight Watchers have joined together in a ground breaking partnership to inspire people around the world to lead a healthier and more fulfilling life."

Oprah has joined Weight Watchers as a "regular" weight loss member, a Board Member and

advisor, and a stockholder / owner.

Hang on, it gets worse !

In the press release, Oprah is quoted as saying, “Weight Watchers has given me the tools

to begin to make the lasting shift that I and so many of us who are struggling with weight

have longed for,” said Oprah Winfrey. “I believe in the program so much I decided to invest

in the company and partner in its evolution.” Source:

Are you frickin' kidding me? Do you think we are so stupid as to believe that statement?

Seriously! Have we somehow forgotten that Oprah has access to the best psychologists,

nutritionists, chefs, trainers, coaches, etc.?

Not only that anyone over 40 probably remembers the day Oprah wheeled a wagon of fat onto the stage as she pranced around in her skinny jeans on The Oprah Show. Later interviews revealed that she didn't stay at that weight very long because of the unhealthy way she lost the weight.

The world is fat and the diet industry rakes in billions of dollars year after year as our adult

population pushes toward a 70% overweight / obese rate. I would have loved to see Oprah

gain control of her own weight challenges before putting a stamp of approval on yet another


Here are my top 5 reasons why Oprah chose the wrong bed partner:.

1. Tracking and Logging is Tedious.

Don't get me wrong, I truly believe that knowledge is power. For many of us, myself included,

People gain weight because they have no idea how many calories they are eating. And in many cases, folks simply didn't care. They don't even try to calculate the number of calories

Calories matter, but that's not the be all and end all of weight loss and healthy living!

2. Weight Watchers Doesn't Teach Healthy Habits.

The main problem I see with Weight Watchers, which has been confirmed by my friends and

clients who have failed to reach goal weight while using it, is that it doesn't teach healthy

habits. It's all about the points. As long as you are within your points limit, you are an "A"


This is the equivalent of nutritional suicide. Sure, you can lose weight eating 1,200 calories of

Twinkies, but you're going to feel like crap. If you want to lose weight and increase your

health, you have to become educated on at least the basics of nutrition. Weight Watchers

doesn't provide this education.

As your nutrition coaching we keep it simple. We're not here to overcomplicate or overwhelm our clients with a plan that's too difficult to follow. simplicity is solution Join our 5 Days Body Goals Kickstart Challenge to start working on your healthy

3. Weight Watchers Promotes Processed Foods.

The healthiest diet is one that includes whole foods. It's important to eat plants, not foods

that were made in plants. I like to tell my clients "if it grew, flew, swam or ran, it's probably a

better choice than any processed food item.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not the food police and I don't follow a 100% whole foods diet.

I'm on a continuous journey to eliminate as many processed foods as possible. In the

meantime, I pick the healthiest options available and choose "minimally-processed" foods

that don't have any ingredients that would kick me out of a spelling bee.

Any commercial diet plan that tells you it's healthy to eat a bunch of processed foods with

ingredients you wouldn't recognize in nature, is lying to you. If you want to use a food

delivery plan, check out all the incredible ones that deliver fresh foods directly to your door.

They cost a little bit more, but you're worth it!.

4. Weight Watchers Creates an Unhealthy Focus on Food.

Points, points, points. Tracking, tracking, tracking. Hmmm, wouldn't it be more important to

focus on why the dieter gained weight in the first place?

Yes (its a a trick question)! Folks do not gain weight just because they love root beer floats, French fries and m&ms.

And if you do not do soul searching to find out why I you mistreating your body so badly, you

wont be able to lose the weight. The most successful weight loss journeys start

with one question: WHY? Why you have been overeating? Why do you want to lose weight? Etc.

Weight Watchers doesn't address these questions to the level that is needed for lifelong

change. Weight loss starts in the mind, not in the belly! Oprah, of all people, knows the

mental challenges of weight loss. Until the mind is really set, success cannot be attained..

5. There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch!

Did you know that you can eat as much fruit as you want on Weight Watchers and never

exceed your daily points? That's right, all fruit is F-R-E-E as far as the program is concerned.

Umm, hello, the last time I checked, fruit has calories and even though it's natural, fruit has

sugar. Perhaps the theory is "nobody ever got fat eating fruit" but that is flawed thinking. We

get fat because we eat too much. Calories always matter.

I wish Oprah well and I hope that millions of people succeed with Weight Watchers.

Unfortunately, I just don't see that happening without some major overhauls on the approach to weight management of coaching .

Let's have a conversation about weight management.

➡️ Create a great relationship with food

➡️ Take full control of your health

➡️ Master movement and functionality

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